7 Signs It’s Time to Call The Roofer!

Since it serves as your home’s primary line of defense against the elements, your roof takes a beating day in and day out. For this reason, monitoring its condition is essential. However, its remoteness and inaccessibility make it generally disregarded. You should always pay attention to roof damage since it might compromise the safety and value of your entire property. You should inspect your roof frequently to forestall this problem.

Best roofers in huntsville, Al

Thus, we’ve listed some roof deterioration warning signs in this blog. If you notice these difficulties, call the best roofers in Huntsville al:

Damage, cracks, or stains on the roof 

Shingles can get ruined in several different ways. The roof and shingles on your home can be damaged in little ways by weather, winds, wear and tear, pests like squirrels, birds, and insects, and even everyday use. If overlooked, small shingle fractures can cause shingles to tear or fly off the roof, requiring replacement. Remember that older homes have worn shingles and are more susceptible to this harm.

Granule Loss

If your roof accumulates granules in the gutters and is in disrepair, you should call the best roofers in Huntsville Al. Shingles benefit from the added weight and shielding from UV rays provided by granules. However, when a significant number are destroyed, the roof is no longer watertight and must be replaced.

Your ceilings have water stains or markings.

 Water stains on the ceiling or walls indicate a leak in the roof, and prompt treatment is required to prevent more expensive damage to the building’s exterior and inside. Flashing is a common location for leaks, which, if not addressed quickly, can cause extensive damage throughout your home.

The roof has been around for over 20 years.

No matter how well a roof looks, it will eventually need to be replaced. Design, placement, care, upkeep, climate, and materials determine roof longevity. A roof has an approximate 20-year lifespan. That’s no excuse for putting off getting it checked out, though. The potential consequences cannot be ignored. Having the best roofers in Huntsville, AL look over your roof sometimes and explain its condition is a good idea.

Moss-Covered Roof

Moss indicates roof decay because their roots eat away at the shingles. It can also make its way in between shingles, causing them to become loose and vulnerable to wind damage. 

The best roofers in Huntsville, AL must replace the roof if the infestation has become too severe to be treated with pesticides.

Recent storms could have resulted in destruction.

A tree falling on your roof is the most dramatic example of storm damage, but even a single branch can do serious structural damage. Hail or wind damage is another option. If a recent storm has passed through your region, it’s a good idea to call the best roofers in Huntsville Al and have them assess your roof for damage.

Cracks or gaps in the mortar around the chimney or vent

Flashing can shift and develop a leak if there have been strong winds recently, leaving the home susceptible to water or moisture damage. Ignoring a small leak or exposed seam is easy, but doing so might leave your home vulnerable to much more serious consequences.


Prevent leaks from happening in the first place by staying on top of your prospective roofing needs. If your roof has some serious problem then it’s vital to Call 256 Roofers. We provide one stop solution for all your roofing needs. 

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